Some days the hucows are feeling a bit poorly, sniffing and complaining, but the milking must go on! Daily milking sessions are important to get some results in the end. Daisy and Buttercup are still in the early stages of their training. They obediently lock their collars to the milking frame, but they are chatting way too much, so I had to ballgag them (despite their colds), which made breathing harder and caused more drooling.
Poor Alais! This posh UK hucow is just too curious! She wandered into the stables again, and she found our milking frame. She was intrigued by the heavy shackles, but quickly said 'oh no, not for me!', remembering her painful sessions from before. For some reason, Alais always gets exhausted from milking, even more than any of our other girls.
Katie is our most promising Hucow, and her udders are so full and heavy now! The milking must continue on a daily basis, without too many breaks. But we have to take good care of her, she is already a little bruised and exhausted, so we gave her a small break when she was on the red cow milker.